
I am not going to be cliche and say that I hate New Year’s Resolutions (while secretly loving them) like everyone else I know.  The truth of the matter is that there’s now better time to make changes than now and with the advent of a New Year, start today!

I have some resolutions or goals for The District Domestic this year that I’d like to share with you, since I feel they are things that will make your reading experience more enjoyable.

1. We’re in the process of doing a small revamping to the actual look of the site… stay tuned for changes in February.

2. Since the site’s called The District Domestic, it’s time to start showing you some of the domestic-ness I’ve been up to… stay tuned for more on knitting, gardening, home-keeping, other crafting and of course, food!

3. You may have seen a bit about The District Domestic and Haute Papier creating some great new products together through Deliciously Domestic, again, there’s more of where that came from!

Here’s to a happy, healthy and prosperous 2009!


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2 responses to “Domestic-ness

  1. Pingback: Culinary Resolutions for 2009

  2. Pingback: Culinary Resolutions - Updated!

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